Central district baseball coaches association
The name of the organization shall be the CENTRAL DISTRICT BASEBALL COACHES ASSOCIATION.
The purpose of the organization shall be:
I. To unify all baseball coaches in the Central District.
II. To promote amateur, high school and college baseball in the Central District of the State of Ohio.
III. To maintain contact with state and national organizations of coaches of baseball.
IV. To maintain contact with the Ohio High School Athletic Association.
V. To maintain contact with the Central Ohio Umpires Association.
VI. To promote a positive and favorable relationship with the news media.
I. Membership shall be open to all high school coaches, assistants as well as head coaches, in the Central District.
II. All members shall have the privilege of attending the regular functions of the association. Voting members shall
have only one vote per school.
III. Members of the association shall pay annual dues as determined by the by-laws. Dues are covered from
September to August. They are payable to the treasurer no later than the State Clinic Meeting Date.
I. The officers of this organization shall be a President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary/Website Coordinator and Treasurer.
II. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership. Voting shall be by a show of hands.
III. Terms of officer for President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President are for one year and run from September
through August. The terms serve without compensation. ** voted by the CDBCA Coaches on September, 11 2024
Two-Year Freeze with the current CDBCA Board (2024-2026)
IV. There will be an Executive Board of the Association. The immediate Past-President and three (3) at-large
representatives. The Executive Board is responsible for determining the agenda for the meetings of the
I. The Central District Baseball Coaches Association shall meet according to the by-laws. Meetings shall be
announced at least two weeks in advance in a mailing or by email from the secretary.
II. Members must attend a majority (3 out of 5) of the meetings in order for their players to be eligible to play and for coaches to nominate and to vote for the players of the “All-District and All-Ohio” teams. Also, to be nominated for
“Coach of the Year” honors. **Exception: If a coach or school representative is only able to attend two meetings
for the specified year then he may pay a $75.00 penalty fee to the CDBCA to count as the day needed. There will
be no more than one meeting day allowed to be purchased in any year.
III. Special meetings may be called by a majority vote of the executive board or at the request, by petition, of
one-fourth of the total membership.
I. The constitution may be amended at the second meeting following the meeting at which the motion to amend was made. The vote shall be a roll call vote. A two thirds vote of the total membership is required for the passage of an amendment.
I. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the association.
The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board.
The President shall coordinate the activities of the association and perform such duties as are commonly
performed by the chief executive officer of a voluntary organization.
The President shall preside over the Hall of Fame Banquet.
The President shall preside over the Scholarship selection.
II. 1st Vice-President: The 1st Vice-President shall perform all duties of the president during the absence of disability
of the president and shall success to the office of president at the end of the president’s regular term in office.
The 1st Vice-President shall have the responsibility of organizing and selecting speakers for the “mini-clinic” as
well as the location and times.
The 1st Vice-President shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the President.
III. 2nd Vice-President: The 2nd Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the
President and 1st Vice-President.
The 2nd Vice-President shall be responsible for the District All-Star Game.
The 2nd Vice-President shall perform all duties of the 1st Vice-President during the absence or disability of the 1st
Vice-President and at the end of the normal term of the office of the 1st Vice-President.
IV. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of meetings of the Executive Board.
The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of membership and attendance.
The Secretary shall have a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws at all meetings.
The Secretary shall report the membership status of members that do not meet the attendance requirements in
Article V, Section II prior to the selection of the “All-District” team.
V. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect moneys and by order of the Executive Board, disperse all funds of the
association and keep regular accounts which shall at all times be open to inspection of all members of the
The Treasurer shall report to the membership status of all accounts at regular meetings of the association.
VI Website Coordinator: The website coordinator shall organize all information for the calendar year on the CDBCA website.
The name of the organization shall be the CENTRAL DISTRICT BASEBALL COACHES ASSOCIATION.
The purpose of the organization shall be:
I. To unify all baseball coaches in the Central District.
II. To promote amateur, high school and college baseball in the Central District of the State of Ohio.
III. To maintain contact with state and national organizations of coaches of baseball.
IV. To maintain contact with the Ohio High School Athletic Association.
V. To maintain contact with the Central Ohio Umpires Association.
VI. To promote a positive and favorable relationship with the news media.
I. Membership shall be open to all high school coaches, assistants as well as head coaches, in the Central District.
II. All members shall have the privilege of attending the regular functions of the association. Voting members shall
have only one vote per school.
III. Members of the association shall pay annual dues as determined by the by-laws. Dues are covered from
September to August. They are payable to the treasurer no later than the State Clinic Meeting Date.
I. The officers of this organization shall be a President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary/Website Coordinator and Treasurer.
II. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership. Voting shall be by a show of hands.
III. Terms of officer for President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President are for one year and run from September
through August. The terms serve without compensation. ** voted by the CDBCA Coaches on September, 11 2024
Two-Year Freeze with the current CDBCA Board (2024-2026)
IV. There will be an Executive Board of the Association. The immediate Past-President and three (3) at-large
representatives. The Executive Board is responsible for determining the agenda for the meetings of the
I. The Central District Baseball Coaches Association shall meet according to the by-laws. Meetings shall be
announced at least two weeks in advance in a mailing or by email from the secretary.
II. Members must attend a majority (3 out of 5) of the meetings in order for their players to be eligible to play and for coaches to nominate and to vote for the players of the “All-District and All-Ohio” teams. Also, to be nominated for
“Coach of the Year” honors. **Exception: If a coach or school representative is only able to attend two meetings
for the specified year then he may pay a $75.00 penalty fee to the CDBCA to count as the day needed. There will
be no more than one meeting day allowed to be purchased in any year.
III. Special meetings may be called by a majority vote of the executive board or at the request, by petition, of
one-fourth of the total membership.
I. The constitution may be amended at the second meeting following the meeting at which the motion to amend was made. The vote shall be a roll call vote. A two thirds vote of the total membership is required for the passage of an amendment.
I. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the association.
The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board.
The President shall coordinate the activities of the association and perform such duties as are commonly
performed by the chief executive officer of a voluntary organization.
The President shall preside over the Hall of Fame Banquet.
The President shall preside over the Scholarship selection.
II. 1st Vice-President: The 1st Vice-President shall perform all duties of the president during the absence of disability
of the president and shall success to the office of president at the end of the president’s regular term in office.
The 1st Vice-President shall have the responsibility of organizing and selecting speakers for the “mini-clinic” as
well as the location and times.
The 1st Vice-President shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the President.
III. 2nd Vice-President: The 2nd Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the
President and 1st Vice-President.
The 2nd Vice-President shall be responsible for the District All-Star Game.
The 2nd Vice-President shall perform all duties of the 1st Vice-President during the absence or disability of the 1st
Vice-President and at the end of the normal term of the office of the 1st Vice-President.
IV. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of meetings of the Executive Board.
The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of membership and attendance.
The Secretary shall have a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws at all meetings.
The Secretary shall report the membership status of members that do not meet the attendance requirements in
Article V, Section II prior to the selection of the “All-District” team.
V. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect moneys and by order of the Executive Board, disperse all funds of the
association and keep regular accounts which shall at all times be open to inspection of all members of the
The Treasurer shall report to the membership status of all accounts at regular meetings of the association.
VI Website Coordinator: The website coordinator shall organize all information for the calendar year on the CDBCA website.
Central district baseball coaches association
Annual dues shall be $25.00 for head coaches and an option to include your assistant coaches (not mandatory) for an additional $10.00 payable to the treasurer no later than the State Clinic meeting.
There shall be five (5) regular meetings. The first meeting shall be in September.
The second meeting shall be in November. The third meeting shall be the State Clinic
held annually in January. The fourth meeting shall be the District Mini-Clinic in February. The fifth meeting shall be in May for the league and district nominations for your players.
The following items are to be on the agenda at the following meetings:
First Meeting: Scheduling, election of officers (2ND VP) at Planks Restaurant on Parsons Ave.
Second Meeting: Hall of Fame Induction and Banquet (St. Charles High School).
Third Meeting: State Clinic at the Hyatt Regency at the Convention Center.
Fourth Meeting: District Mini-Clinic (Site TBA)
Fifth Meeting: “All-District Team and All-Ohio Team” vote, District All-Star Game, Coach of the Year. (Dublin Coffman HS)
The by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of members at any meeting of the
membership providing that the proposed amendment has had TWO (2) readings at
previous meetings.
There will be nominations taken at the First meeting in September by members of
the Central District Baseball Coaches Association or representatives from the
approved school. A vote will be conducted to determine the next officer chosen or a
recent opening on the board. This will be finalized at this meeting and the chosen
officer will serve his term for that year. The office of secretary shall be elected on
even numbered years and office of treasurer shall be elected on odd numbered
years. The office of President, 1st Vice-President, and 2nd Vice-President shall be
served as one year terms and progressively follow up to the next post. The
President, the following year, shall serve as Junior Representative to the OHSBCA
State Board from the Central District when his term is up. The Junior Representative
will then move to Senior Representative to the OHSBCA State Board from the
Central District the following year. ***(Attendance at the state meetings are
Each state classification I, II, III, IV shall elect a member coach to receive the honor
of Central District Coach of the Year. This will be done at the fifth meeting by secret
ballot. The coaches that were awarded the most votes by their respective divisions
will make up the ballot to be voted on by all members of the each level to decided
who will represent the Central District Coaches for the All-Ohio Series.
Each year the CDBCA shall organize and decide a host facility to play one or more
district all-star game(s). The coaches for this game will be determined by taking the
coaches that won the district championship of the District Baseball Tournament for that
current season.
All current members are highly recommended to attend the Hall of Fame Banquet.
The HOF committee and the current officers will be appointed as the selection committee for each year
including the Past-President. This meeting will take place in late August. The nomination forms shall be
made available to the members no later than the May meeting. The Hall of Fame nomination google forms
are due to the Secretary (or his assignee) no later than August 1. The HOF committee
will receive a copy of the nominations from the Secretary no later than mid-August.
The HOF committee will meet prior to the September meeting to vote on the
nominations. If a nominee is not chosen, they will remain on the list of nominees for a
total of three (3) years. After three years, they will need to be re-nominated for consideration.
The Hall of Fame recipients will be notified immediately after the committee meeting.
The Hall of Fame recipients will officially be inducted at the second official meeting held
in November. The recipients must be from the Central District. Each recipient shall be notified
via letter from the President (or his assignee.) This letter shall contain the date and location of
the banquet, along with a biography form that is to be returned to the sender by the 1st
Saturday in October. The nomination form is included with all the criteria with this constitution
and by laws.
The inductee shall receive three (3) complimentary dinner tickets. The program
shall include the award recipients biography along with the business of the CDBCA
as well as the induction of the past Hall of Fame members. The current President
will serve as the MC for the induction and each inductee may have a presenter
speaking about the inductees credentials and accomplishments. The President shall
present the inductee with a Hall of Fame plaque. The presenter will have up to three
(3) minutes and the inductee will have up to eight (8) minutes to speak on the Hall
of Fame acceptance.
In any given year the committee shall accept no less than one (1) and no more than
four (4) coaches into the Hall of Fame.
***Exception: Any CDBCA Coach that is inducted into the OHSBCA Hall of Fame is
automatically appointed to the next class of the CDBCA Hall of Fame and does not
count in the total number given for that induction year.
The Central District Baseball Coaches will award an amount of five-hundred dollars
($500) each year to a deserving Head or Assistant Coaches(s) – son of daughter –
who is a graduating senior that year. The scholarship will be named after the Hall of
Fame Baseball Coach from Thomas Worthington High School – Frank Cozze – and
will be referred to as the Frank Cozze Memorial Scholarship. All applications
must be received by the President no later than the fifth scheduled meeting in
March. In order to qualify the coach has to have been a dues paying member of the
CDBCA the previous (5) years running and attended the required meetings by his
school. The Central District Officers will choose the recipient(s). The guidelines for
this scholarship must be followed and the nomination form may be obtained form
the current Secretary or Webmaster of the CDBCA.
The Central District Baseball Coaches will honor one (1) assistant coach each year.
Any head coach may nominate his assistant—from any level—to receive the honor
of CDBCA ASSISTANT COACH OF THE YEAR. This person will receive the honor at
the CDBCA Hall of Fame Banquet in November. Nomination applications must be
received by the past president no later than the 1st Annual CDBCA Meeting in
September. The Board will select the honoree prior to that meeting and announce it
at the general meeting that day. The guidelines for this nomination must be followed
and the form may be obtained from the current Secretary of the CDBCA. **The
assistant has to be a paid dues member for the past five (5) years and his school had
to attend the required meetings during that term.
Annual dues shall be $25.00 for head coaches and an option to include your assistant coaches (not mandatory) for an additional $10.00 payable to the treasurer no later than the State Clinic meeting.
There shall be five (5) regular meetings. The first meeting shall be in September.
The second meeting shall be in November. The third meeting shall be the State Clinic
held annually in January. The fourth meeting shall be the District Mini-Clinic in February. The fifth meeting shall be in May for the league and district nominations for your players.
The following items are to be on the agenda at the following meetings:
First Meeting: Scheduling, election of officers (2ND VP) at Planks Restaurant on Parsons Ave.
Second Meeting: Hall of Fame Induction and Banquet (St. Charles High School).
Third Meeting: State Clinic at the Hyatt Regency at the Convention Center.
Fourth Meeting: District Mini-Clinic (Site TBA)
Fifth Meeting: “All-District Team and All-Ohio Team” vote, District All-Star Game, Coach of the Year. (Dublin Coffman HS)
The by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of members at any meeting of the
membership providing that the proposed amendment has had TWO (2) readings at
previous meetings.
There will be nominations taken at the First meeting in September by members of
the Central District Baseball Coaches Association or representatives from the
approved school. A vote will be conducted to determine the next officer chosen or a
recent opening on the board. This will be finalized at this meeting and the chosen
officer will serve his term for that year. The office of secretary shall be elected on
even numbered years and office of treasurer shall be elected on odd numbered
years. The office of President, 1st Vice-President, and 2nd Vice-President shall be
served as one year terms and progressively follow up to the next post. The
President, the following year, shall serve as Junior Representative to the OHSBCA
State Board from the Central District when his term is up. The Junior Representative
will then move to Senior Representative to the OHSBCA State Board from the
Central District the following year. ***(Attendance at the state meetings are
Each state classification I, II, III, IV shall elect a member coach to receive the honor
of Central District Coach of the Year. This will be done at the fifth meeting by secret
ballot. The coaches that were awarded the most votes by their respective divisions
will make up the ballot to be voted on by all members of the each level to decided
who will represent the Central District Coaches for the All-Ohio Series.
Each year the CDBCA shall organize and decide a host facility to play one or more
district all-star game(s). The coaches for this game will be determined by taking the
coaches that won the district championship of the District Baseball Tournament for that
current season.
All current members are highly recommended to attend the Hall of Fame Banquet.
The HOF committee and the current officers will be appointed as the selection committee for each year
including the Past-President. This meeting will take place in late August. The nomination forms shall be
made available to the members no later than the May meeting. The Hall of Fame nomination google forms
are due to the Secretary (or his assignee) no later than August 1. The HOF committee
will receive a copy of the nominations from the Secretary no later than mid-August.
The HOF committee will meet prior to the September meeting to vote on the
nominations. If a nominee is not chosen, they will remain on the list of nominees for a
total of three (3) years. After three years, they will need to be re-nominated for consideration.
The Hall of Fame recipients will be notified immediately after the committee meeting.
The Hall of Fame recipients will officially be inducted at the second official meeting held
in November. The recipients must be from the Central District. Each recipient shall be notified
via letter from the President (or his assignee.) This letter shall contain the date and location of
the banquet, along with a biography form that is to be returned to the sender by the 1st
Saturday in October. The nomination form is included with all the criteria with this constitution
and by laws.
The inductee shall receive three (3) complimentary dinner tickets. The program
shall include the award recipients biography along with the business of the CDBCA
as well as the induction of the past Hall of Fame members. The current President
will serve as the MC for the induction and each inductee may have a presenter
speaking about the inductees credentials and accomplishments. The President shall
present the inductee with a Hall of Fame plaque. The presenter will have up to three
(3) minutes and the inductee will have up to eight (8) minutes to speak on the Hall
of Fame acceptance.
In any given year the committee shall accept no less than one (1) and no more than
four (4) coaches into the Hall of Fame.
***Exception: Any CDBCA Coach that is inducted into the OHSBCA Hall of Fame is
automatically appointed to the next class of the CDBCA Hall of Fame and does not
count in the total number given for that induction year.
The Central District Baseball Coaches will award an amount of five-hundred dollars
($500) each year to a deserving Head or Assistant Coaches(s) – son of daughter –
who is a graduating senior that year. The scholarship will be named after the Hall of
Fame Baseball Coach from Thomas Worthington High School – Frank Cozze – and
will be referred to as the Frank Cozze Memorial Scholarship. All applications
must be received by the President no later than the fifth scheduled meeting in
March. In order to qualify the coach has to have been a dues paying member of the
CDBCA the previous (5) years running and attended the required meetings by his
school. The Central District Officers will choose the recipient(s). The guidelines for
this scholarship must be followed and the nomination form may be obtained form
the current Secretary or Webmaster of the CDBCA.
The Central District Baseball Coaches will honor one (1) assistant coach each year.
Any head coach may nominate his assistant—from any level—to receive the honor
of CDBCA ASSISTANT COACH OF THE YEAR. This person will receive the honor at
the CDBCA Hall of Fame Banquet in November. Nomination applications must be
received by the past president no later than the 1st Annual CDBCA Meeting in
September. The Board will select the honoree prior to that meeting and announce it
at the general meeting that day. The guidelines for this nomination must be followed
and the form may be obtained from the current Secretary of the CDBCA. **The
assistant has to be a paid dues member for the past five (5) years and his school had
to attend the required meetings during that term.